OUR Team



Spending a lot of my time outdoors or on the water, the issue of plastic waste became impossible to ignore. We would go out for a day of fishing and come back with more balloons and bottles than fish (That may say more about my skills as a fisherman than anything else though!?). As a product designer, I decided I wanted to find a way to use design for good-- to fight the harm my own industry has been doing to our environment and ocean. I’m excited about the potential for SeaHive to help alter the trajectory of this problem.



I am an environmentalist by trade and a sustainability activist by demeanor. Originally from Oregon, I grew up sailing with my family in the South Pacific, the Pacific Northwest, and the Caribbean. When I started diving in 2008, I began to realize how complex and fragile our underwater ecosystems are. I have since earned a Master of Environment from the University of Melbourne, Australia, and have devoted my career to cleaning up our planet.


Emma Abbott | Marketing, SeaHive+Pakt

I grew up in the Finger Lakes, taking the crystal clean water and air for granted. Seeing how drastically things have changed in the world is a cause for immediate action. The possibility of oceans filled with more plastic than fish is a future we can't allow, and I'm so excited to be part of a team that's committed to finding solutions to this crisis. 

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Elizabeth Earls | Admin, SeaHive+Pakt

Being outside on lakes or oceans is one of my favorite pastimes. It brings such calm and peace to everything inside of me. I honestly didn't know that much about plastic pollution until I joined the Seahive team and started researching it more. I'm proud to be on a team that is working to fight an issue that is so important to our future generations and world.

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Growing up on the ocean, I spent summers swimming, sailing, clamming, and fishing in the waters in and around Cape Cod. Back when I was a kid, pollution was really out of sight. Now I comb the previously pristine beaches around the Cape and almost always fill up a trash bag of plastic during my walks. Plastic pollution is not only sad to see, but alarming when you hear the staggering numbers and know that it is making its way into our food supply. I am excited to be a part of the SeaHive Team and address one of the biggest problems facing our planet and help educate future generations.



Growing up, every summer was spent at the lake swimming and sailing, and out on any body of water is still one of my favorite places to be. The scale that we as humans are mindlessly contributing to the environmental disaster of plastic pollution in our ocean is truly disturbing. I am proud that Pakt has committed to making the environment a priority, and am excited at the prospect of helping other companies do the same.

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Carla is a Melbourne based designer and illustrator. She puts the plastic pollution crisis into art for SeaHive. She loves compacting big ideas into bite-sized illustrations, see more of her work on Instagram or her website.